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If you need to refer back to the cart ministry requirements, please view the document below. If you wish to view this a diffrent way you can also use the downlod link and button, located under the document view.

Table of contents

Q: There are no timeslots or carts available, what should I do?

A: There is always a chance a shift can be cancled, however it would be better to choose a diffrent date and or time to book a shift on a cart.

Q: Why can only three bookings be made on any given timeslot?

A: This is due to the number of carts that are available in the congregation

Q: What is the maximum time a cart can be booked for?

A: The system only allows a maximum of two hours.

Q: Can I book two carts at the same time, in one booking?

A: This is possible, however please check the weekly view of exisiting shifts first before making your booking, to prevent any potential conflicts.

Q: How will I know if I have booked a cart?

A: You will receive an email to say it has been approved and will be visible on the week list view both on the welcome page and bookings page.

Q: I have made a mistake on the online form that I have already submitted, can I make any amendments?

A: There are two options, you should have recived an email from the system about your booking, this contians a link that can delete your booking and you can submit a new booking. Or you can contact Ross Quinnell to make changes for you.

Q: Can I add my booking to my own personal calander on my device?

A: Yes this is possible, but this feature can easily be missed. This option shows after the form as been submitted, you have a chooice of calanders to choose from, You can add it to iCal (Apple Callander), Outlook or Google Calander each one shows up as a link, slect the one that is relevent to you and it should be added on your device.

Q: What is the “Continue with Google” option on the login page?

A: This is option is unavalible at the present time, however it might be reintroduced at a later time.

This option allows you to access your cart ministry account without a password.

To set up your account with this feature, please follow the following steps,

  1. Click on the Account page
  2. Next under “Social account management” click “Link Google account”
  3. You will be asked to enter your Gmail address and password for that account
  4. Click on “Allow” this will then allow you to log in to your cart ministry account with your Gmail account.